Upcoming Exhibitions
05.10.25 - 09.07.25
Nancy Genn: The Nature of BeingA retrospective of Nancy Genn, a Berkeley-based artist, whose long career explores the history of post-war American art in the fields of gestural abstraction and abstract expressionism.
Nancy Genn, Red, White, Black, 1961. Courtesy of the artist.more info09.20.25 - 01.04.26
Last West: Dorothea Lange’s California RevisitedA dynamic multimedia museum experience that explores how the work and legacy of America’s beloved documentary photographer of the 1930s-40s can help us understand the California we inherit today.
Dorothea Lange, Toward Los Angeles, California, March 1937. Library of Congress, Prints
& Photographs Division, FSA/OWI Collection, LC-USF34-016317-Emore infoPast Exhibitions
09.21.24 - 01.05.25
Cenote de Sueños: The Art of Juana AliciaAn exhibition by distinguished artist Juana Alicia addressing issues of social justice, gender equity, environmental crisis, and the power of resistance and revolution.
Juana Alicia, Nopal de resistencia, 2011. Courtesy of the artist.more info01.20.24 - 04.28.24
Tsherin Sherpa: Different WorldsBorn in Kathmandu, Nepal, Tsherin Sherpa blends his traditional upbringing with contemporary perspectives.
Tsherin Sherpa, Untitled, 2017, platinum leaf, gold leaf, acrylic and ink on canvas, diptych, 48 x 72 in. The KaoWilliams Family Collection.
more info01.15.22 - 04.24.22
Out of Our Minds: Clayton Bailey & Tony NatsoulasThis exhibition brings together two giants of California ceramics known for their satire, humor, and irreverance.
Clayton Bailey, BeautyBot, Boybot, RoboPet (courtesy of SJMA); Tony Natsoulas, How to get whipped cream on pie (Portrait of Rube Goldberg) more info09.18.21 - 01.02.22
Double Trouble: Enrique Chagoya and Kara MariaThis exhibition reviews the revolutionary spirit of Chagoya and Maria as an artist-couple, artists-activists, and their decades-long contribution to the Bay Area arts scene.
Enrique Chagoya, The Seven Deadly Sins: Anger, acrylic and water mixable oil, with glass eyes collaged on canvas, 2020more info07.01.20 - 09.13.20
California Rocks! Photographers Who Made The Scene, 1960-1980The first museum exhibition that celebrates the role that photographers and the images they created play in the history of West Coast rock ‘n’ roll culture. Curated by author and former SF Chronicle music critic Joel Selvin.
Baron Wolman—Frank Zappa on tractor, 1968, Los Angelesmore infoApril 6, 2013 to June 16, 2013: 04.06.13 - 06.16.13
Roger ShimomuraMinidoka on My Mind
American Alien #4, 2007more info01.14.12 - 03.18.12
UndiscoveredMichael Schwager, Gallery Director and Professor at Sonoma State University and Kate Eilertsen, Executive Director for SVMA, have chosen five artists who live and work in Sonoma County whose work has not been seen in galleries or museums and who have not been given the attention they deserve.
Discoverymore infoload more