Spanning one century of groundbreaking images and featuring many of the world’s renowned artists, XXc ICONS of PHOTOGRAPHY presents a unique opportunity to view the best of world photography.
From portraiture, landscape, photojournalism, abstraction, fashion and works that defy genre, this selection presents masterworks from private collections throughout California. The exhibition focuses on both well-known legendary images by preeminent artists as well as lesser-known masterworks that each provide insight into the rich diversity of fine art photography that ultimately dominated expression in the 20th Century.
This collection testifies to the evolution of the art form that, more than any other medium, has shaped and changed every aspect of how we view our world. Included are works by Adams, Abbott, Arbus, Atget, Avedon, Baer, Bernhard, Bourke-White, Bullock, Callahan, Capa, Caponigro, Cartier-Bresson, Clergue, Cunningham, Frank, Friedlander, Haley, Karsh, Kertesz, Leibovitz, Loranc, Mann, Mapplethorpe, Modotti, Moholy-Nagy, Muybridge, Newton, Penn, Ray, Ryuijie, Salgado, Sella, Sheeler, Sherman, Sokolsky, Steichen, Stieglitz, Strand, Sudek, Takigawa, Uelsmann, Weems, Edward and Brett Weston, and Winogrand.