Kara Mara, Innumeral Infinite Songs (California condor), 2016, acrylic on canvas
Enrique Chagoya, The Day After, 2018, acrylic and water-based oil on canvas
11.13.21 | 3:00PM

Every Murmur Becomes a Wave

A Conversation about Climate Change and Im/migration

Artists Enrique Chagoya and Kara Maria will join scientist/activist couple Miguel Altieri and Clara Nicholls, both professors at UC Berkeley in agroecology and entomology respectively to discuss their parallel and intersectional interests in issues reflected in the art of Chagoya and Maria—climate change, species extinction, immigration and migration, migrant farm labor, and more. Join the conversation with these “double trouble” artists and scientists on challenging issues of our day.
Moderated by Debbie Barker.

$5 for SVMA Members / $15 for Non-members