03.22.25 - 05.10.25

2025 Sonoma Soirée Series

Eight curated salon concerts with Music in Place

SVMA has partnered with Music in Place and the Frank H. Bartholomew Foundation to present eight curated salon concerts at the Museum and The Haraszthy Villa at Bartholomew Estate.

Coming up next:

March 22, 4-6 PM at The Villa: Audrey Vardanega
April 12, 4-6 PM at SVMA: Clairdee & Ken French
April 26, 4-6 PM at SVMA: Matt Szemela & Alex Kelly
May 10, 4-6 PM at The Villa: Emerging Artists

Tickets are available at musicinplace.org
General $45 (in advance) $55 at the door
VIP seating $80

Music in Place delights, strengthens, unites, and educates its community by presenting free and accessible concerts and classes for adults and school-aged children.