
Building Community Around Art

Established in 1998, the Sonoma Valley Museum of Art (SVMA)  is a membership-supported 501(c) 3, non-profit organization that provides seasonal exhibitions of contemporary and modern art and educational and public programming for children, youth, and adults. The Sonoma Valley Museum of Art’s mission: Building Community Around Art.


In 1998 a small group of Sonoma residents imagined a place where art is alive and accessible. They envisioned a center for the arts where the old Franklin Furniture Store stood at 551 Broadway.

SVMA was incorporated in 1998, and opened its first exhibit, “Sonoma Collects,” a year later. Prior to 2000 SVMA managed to bring on board 511 charter household memberships, totaling a good estimate of 790 individuals. The names of these SVMA Charter Members are listed on a plaque in the Museum.

Art Rewards the Student (A.R.T.S.), introduced in 2000, employs teaching artists to deliver arts education in the schools; hosts classroom visits to the museum; and exhibits student work. Its current focus is on fourth and fifth graders; however, an expansion program for third graders is underway.

Look Club is a monthly, small-group gathering of museum members and guests, with facilitated discussions using a number of inquiry methods, of individual artworks in the museum over a glass of wine.

photo by Grace Cheung-Schulman

Holiday Make-in is a creative family day that takes place on the Saturday before Thanksgiving to welcome in the holiday season with a focus on making hand-made crafts and gifts to add a bit of childlike spirit and cheer to our homes. This annual event got its start in 2011 and now welcomes about 200 participants for the day.

photo by Grace Cheung-Schulman

SVMA truly has the best volunteers in the Valley!  SVMA has had nearly 200 volunteers who contribute to the museum in a variety of ways. Volunteers welcome visitors, prepare and promote exhibitions, raise funds, and help manage the facility and its activities by serving on the Board of Directors and Advisory Council. Opportunities also exist to help with special events throughout the year.


Sonoma Valley Museum of Art (SVMA) as an institution, and a group of individuals, recognizes the urgency and importance of addressing racial, cultural, economic, and social inequity in our community. Our organizational mission to Build Community Around Art and our core values favorably position us to confront inequity and to prioritize the principles of diversity, equity, accessibility, and inclusion (DEAI). 

To this end, SVMA established a DEAI Committee which initiated a process to implement an organization-wide plan that will ensure: 

  • Comprehensive DEAI training for staff, volunteers, and board
  • DEAI are part of our everyday and long-term work, across our volunteers, staff, board, and museum representatives, and is integrally woven into the Museum’s new multi-year strategic plan
  • Partnerships with diverse communities, engagement with multiple constituent perspectives, the presentation of difficult content, embracing diverse conversations, and accepting open feedback
  • Alignment of programs and policy to advance equity and increase access for the enrichment of present and future generations

SVMA recognizes that DEAI work is simultaneously liberating, eye-opening, and difficult, and acknowledges that mistakes are inevitable as we navigate our process to adopt new practices and mindsets as a whole. SVMA aims to eliminate inequities of historically marginalized groups and is committed to learning and evolving as well as compassionately urging our direct stakeholders—and colleagues in the field—to do the same. 

Approved unanimously by the Board of Directors of SVMA on February 18, 2021


Photo by Grace Cheung-Schulman

Linda Keaton, Executive Director and Chief Curator


Linda Keaton has been an arts administrator, curator, and educator for over 25 years. She was appointed to CREATE CALIFORNIA, a task force that developed arts education policy for California schools by State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Tom Torlkason. Linda has been recognized for innovative community collaborations and contributions to arts and culture through numerous awards and grants. She holds an MA in Art with distinction, and a BA in Art history, with a minor in Humanities, with honors. Keaton has curated over 45 museum exhibitions.

“The arts are not a way to make a living. They are a very human way of making life more bearable. Practicing an art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow, for heaven’s sake.”

– Kurt Vonnegut

Photo by Grace Cheung-Schulman

Margie Maynard, Deputy Director, Engagement & Exhibitions

mmaynard@svma.org , ext. 131

Margie Maynard joined SVMA in August of 2010, and directs the team that is responsible for all aspects of the Museum’s public dimension. Margie grew up in Sonoma before heading off to the University of Oregon where she earned a B.A. in art history. With 30 years experience she has headed the museum experience and education departments at Experience Music Project in Seattle, San Jose Museum of Art, and Laguna Art Museum. She began her career at the Phoenix Art Museum, serving as the education coordinator and then assistant curator of education. A seeker and seeder of the a-ha moment, Margie is a phrase turner, pic snapper, team player, garden tender, sunset watcher, road tripper, producer, mentor/mentee, sister, friend, open-minded museum geek who feels very lucky that it is often difficult to know where her work ends and her life begins.

Art has the ability to connect us beyond the limitations of language. Through it, we get to face our inner world outward, remove the boundaries of separation, and participate in the great remembering of what we came into this life knowing: There is no separation. We are one. 

—Rick Rubin

Rachel Anderson, Operations Coordinator


For over thirty years, Rachel worked as a production editor and manager for Bay Area book publishers, including Jossey-Bass Publishers, Pomegranate Press, and Insight Editions/Mandala Publishing. Also a long-time student and certified teacher of Sogetsu Ikebana (Japanese flower arranging), Rachel has created Ikebana arrangements for the Asian Art Museum and large installations at the Craneway Pavilion, and has exhibited at Ikebana shows at the Cow Palace, the Oakland Museum of California, and the Orinda Community Center, among other venues. When she is not at the museum, Rachel teaches Zoom courses on Mahayana Buddhism and is an Airbnb Superhost.

“You are the sky. Everything else is just the weather.”

—Pema Chodron

Debbie Barker, Director of Development and Marketing

dbarker@svma.org, ext. 171

Prior to joining SVMA, Debbie Barker was a consultant for The Berry Center and other civil society groups working on food and farming, ecology, trade, and more. She was formerly the international director for the Center for Food Safety, a legal and public policy institute in Washington, D.C. and prior to this was the director of the International Forum on Globalization, a think tank on economic globalization issues.

She’s written on numerous aspects of food and agriculture systems, trade and economies, climate change, and more. Publications include Trade Matters: Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) Impacts on Food and Farming; The Wheel of Life: Food, Climate, Human Rights, and the Economy; and contributed to the United Nations’ report International Assessment of Agricultural Science and Technology for Development. She has also participated in many international forums such as the United Nation’s Framework Convention on Climate Change, the European Parliament, U.S. Congressional briefings, and guest lectured at universities.

Mary Byerly, Visitor Services Associate


Mary Byerly comes from a long line of female entrepreneurs. Formerly in the restaurant business, Mary joined the team at SVMA driven by her passion for the arts.

“A life well lived is the most exquisite work of art.”

~ Erwin McManus


Jack Etherington, Development Coordinator

jetherington@svma.org, ext. 111

Jack Etherington has been with SVMA since the summer of 2021. Growing up in Sonoma, Jack was heavily influenced by teachers at both Sonoma Valley High School (SVHS) and Woodland Star Charter School to pursue a career in art. Etherington has spent time living in England, studying Photography at Arts University Bournemouth (AUB). With a background in both street and landscape photography, his artworks reflect that of artists he’s inspired by: Wolfgang Tillmans, Kai Man Wong and Martin Parr.

You don’t take a photograph, you make it.

– Ansel Adams

Eric Feathers, Visitor Services Associate

Eric Feathers has been in commercial photography for nearly 50 years and has exhibited and published works internationally. He earned a BFA in photography at the San Francisco Art Institute, worked with children in arts education, and has owned and operated three studios/galleries. His other skills include hospitality (you may see him bartending at SVMA events) and custom framing. Eric spent nearly a decade making custom stretcher bars and panels for high-profile clients like David Hockney and the estate of Richard Diebenkorn. After moving to Sonoma in 2021, Eric started volunteering at Sonoma International Film Festival, the Sonoma Jazz Society, and at SVMA.

“It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.”

-Henry David Thoreau

Donavan Harris, Director of Museum Operations & Visitor Services

dharris@svma.org, ext. 191

Donavan Harris joined the SVMA team in 2022; he has over 20 years of retail and hospitality experience. This includes leading retail areas at the Monterey Bay Aquarium and San Francisco Zoo. He has worked for educational programs at Sacramento State University and financial services at San Diego State. He brings his background to provide a unique and authentic experience for the SVMA guests. Donavan holds a B.A. in Art History and an Associate degree in Humanities.

When he is not at the museum Donavan enjoys his time with his family and exploring the trails around the Sonoma area.

Learning is the only thing the mind never exhausts, never fears, and never regrets.”

– Leonardo da Vinci

Liz Harvey, Education & Community Engagement Manager


Liz Harvey is an arts educator and artist passionate about achieving educational equity through the arts. She began her career in Los Angeles with roles in museum education and teaching artistry, serving as Curator of Education at the University Art Museum at CSU Long Beach and during the summers, managing the Family Art program at the J. Paul Getty Museum. After moving to the San Francisco Bay Area, she became a California College of the Arts Art Education Faculty Fellow and a school arts integration coach, followed by directing the region’s implementation of Visual Thinking Strategies. She has loved coaching arts leaders with an equity focus for Turnaround Arts California and through her own agency, Creative Coaching for Arts & Equity. She holds an MFA from CSU Long Beach and a CTE Credential in Art, Media, and Entertainment.

An interdisciplinary artist, her work celebrates queer and plant histories and envisions liberatory interspecies futures. She has shown her textiles and sculptures in museums and galleries in California, New York, and Italy.

“Creativity is intrinsic, and a birthright.”

– Liz Lerman

Ann Trinca, Marketing & PR Coordinator


Ann Trinca has been in the Arts Marketing field for twenty-five years after earning a Master’s degree in Arts Administration from Golden Gate University in 2000. She has worked with numerous institutions in the Bay Area including Yerba Buena Center for the Arts in SF, di Rosa in Napa, Bedford Gallery in Walnut Creek, and Berkeley Art Center before becoming a marketing consultant. She has also owned and operated two contemporary art galleries, is a freelance curator and fine art photographer. She loves to travel and take care of plants.

“The self is also a creation, the principal work of your life, the crafting of which makes everyone an artist.

– Rebecca Solnit

Board of Directors

Sheryl Alexander, Secretary
Erika Boulding, Co-Treasurer
Steve Bush
Carole Coplan, President
Harriet Derwingson
John Finch
Scott Foster
Linda Higueras
Monica Jacobson, Vice President
Pat Meier-Johnson
Tony Maridakis
Anne Mieling
Esther Munger
Jean Oliveiri, Co-Treasurer
Alan Pomerantz
Elaine Smith
Ken Stokes
Samantha Villanueva-Meyer
Jeanne Walker Harvey
Kathleen Watson
Jeff Zimmerman, Vice President
Wayne Wilson, Volunteer Liaison

Gala 2023 Supporters, photo by Israel Valencia




In-Kind Supporters


Job Openings

SVMA seeks an Exhibitions Manager (EM) who will lead the development, coordination, organization, logistics, and execution of SVMA’s three annual exhibition rotations. The manager is responsible for, but not limited to developing and executing exhibition design, setting exhibition and installation timelines and budgets, coordinating art shipments and conducting and overseeing art handling and installation with a preparator crew of two-three, preparing loan agreements, conducting condition reports, maintaining complete exhibition records, and maintaining the safe and secure operations of the onsite art storage area and exhibitions shop. The EM is a key member of SVMA’s team and contributes greatly to the museum’s culture with active participation in staff meetings and long range planning.
This is a part-time position (20 hrs week, except during exhibition changeovers, 40 hrs week). Work schedule is flexible and may include occasional evenings and weekends.
For a full job description, click here.
To apply please send a resume with a separate cover letter with the subject line: Exhibitions Manager Application to admin@svma.org .


SVMA offers internships for undergraduate and graduate students throughout the year.

Our internship program offers insight into and experience in careers within the museum world. Interns are provided mentorship and professional development throughout the program. Opportunities are available in multiple departments throughout the museum, and vary each semester and summer based on current projects. We typically ask our interns to commit to 6-8 hours per week, depending on the projects and school schedules.